About Me

My name is Brad Wilson and I'm a singer. I do it well and with enthusiasm. This is a personal website, but I also do professional performing and managing work. I am the General Manager of Mark Bradley International, USA, and in addition to managing the day to day operations of the company, I also perform in The Three Waiters, and HypnoTWIST.

I grew up in Ohio, met my wife in Wisconsin (she's originally from Eastern PA), and moved to the Bronx a few years ago from Manhattan.

My wife, Sandy, is good at everything she tries. She is usually thinking about 23 things at once, but can only manage to talk about 9 of them at a time. When we get a good deal shopping she says, "We made out like bandits!"

We have two awesome kids named Vinny and Stefi.

For more high quality web surfing check out: Baritone News Network (mostly true autobio entries). I also tweet.