28 May 2008

farm road

I just returned from Zanesville, the land where complete strangers wave at you when you drive by and where someone said to me "Them's pertineer wore off" and I understood them. As usual, I'm short on time, and even didn't have time to do even the modest improvements I sometimes try to do with Picasa before putting up a photo, but I just couldn't wait. I got permission from the new owners of the nearby Roseville Prison to go in and shoot photos, so I'm really itching to post those, too.


Anonymous said...

Looks like it was a beautiful farm in its day. :-) at the pertneer remark. I'm a native of Dayton, transplant to Arkansas and it's been years since I've thought about that word. Nice capture

Anonymous said...

beautiful feel to the photo

AlfieUK said...

Great shot. Reminds me of one from years back by Gary Winogrand.