01 September 2008

zanesville train bridge series

I took these over a year ago on a day so cold that I couldn't feel my hands. I've wanted to take pictures of this bridge forever.


Mona said...

i love the shot of the person fishing. amazing. looks like it's right out of siberia.

Anonymous said...

Love the lines. Nice shots.

Anonymous said...

hey idk if u remember me?
but i met u at roseville prison =]

Your pics came out AMAZINGGG!
I really love the one of the zanesville bridges, it look like it was snowing :]

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Shelby. I have so many photos backlogged that I have no time to put up. Come back, because I'm going to try to do more posting in the next month, especially stuff from the prison.

BuckeyeBec said...

Brad, Love all the pics especially of Z-ville. Did you ever enter anything for BCSA in photography? Wow! You have a great eye. It was so good to see you AND hear you at Lindsey's wedding. Hello to Sandy!